Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Quick Write- March 3rd, 2014

Open-Ended Questions Based on Mindset:

1) Why do you think that a fixed mindset involves more negative, defensive and pessimistic emotion?

2) Why do you think that this type of mindset is referred to as a fixed as opposed to a growth mindset?

Final Reflection on the Socratic Seminar:

I think that overall this was a great Socratic seminar. The discussion was very intuitive as well as engaging and I think all participants were very insightful. The most interesting comment that stood out to me was when Sophia mentioned that unlike people with growth mindsets, a person with a fixed mindset will not analyze a situation from the other parties' shoes. She stated that a person with a fixed mindset will never look at things from the point of view opposite of their own. The seminar, to me, was great. The only way that it could have been any better was if there were more people involved to input more opinions, however at the same time, I enjoyed the very small and intimate discussion.

I think that one way to grade this seminar is to break it up into categories based on what was discussed. Here is one way to format the grading from today's discussion:

Presentation- (Eye contact, Audible, Actively listening)

Discussion- (Was the student actively engaging in the conversation? Was his/her response or input related to the topic? Did this student understand the topic in its entirety? If the student had a difficulty understanding a comment or the topic, did the student still try? Was effort shown?)

Input- (Did the student give any input? Was the content of the student's input strong? How well did the student's input display their understanding of the topic?)

Feedback- (Did the student give strong feedback? Did the student give any feedback at all? Did the student understand any feedback given to him/her on his/her input? Even is the student didn't agree with another student's statement, did they respectfully disagree?)

I think if you followed these guidelines and had a numeric grading system for a 1 2 3 or 4 in each category, similar to a rubric, then this will be a good way to weigh out both the content of the socratic seminar and the quantitative score.

1 comment:

  1. A very reflective reflection. I thought it was excellent as well due to the depth of discussion. It was clear that you and Sophia really listened to what each other had to say. Your suggestion for grading the Socratic Seminar is outstanding. Your categories really cover everything. Thank you!
