Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 23rd, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

To me, imagination is your sense of creativity. Imagination is the word that can be used to describe all of the things that makes no logical sense in reality but perfect sense in your mind. Imagination is the way that we can escape our problems, feelings, thoughts, work, school, family, friends, etc. One's imagination can take them very far. You can imagine the things that you want or the things that you have wanted in the past. You can dream of something and your imagination can make it become a reality for you. Your imagination, to me, is your sanity. One's purpose in life is what their goal is. Whatever you dream to become is what you spend your life working towards. Without your imagination, that dream won't be present and your life would be obsolete. Memory, similar to your imagination, is also important. If you can't remember the things or places that your imagination took you, then your life is nonetheless meaningless.Your imagination is a critical thing, that deserves to never be wasted or taken for granted. Cherish your imagination and you may see a positive change in your life.

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