Aim: How do we evaluate Jean- Dominique Bauby's emotional mind state based off of his writing?
Quick Write: Imagine if you were diagnosed with a paralyzing condition that resulted in you not being able to communicate with anyone (it doesn't have to be locked in syndrome). What would your emotional state be like? Would you feel like giving up or would you persevere? What would you want to say to the people around you---family? Friends? Doctors? etc.
Today, we will simply continue the ongoing conversation that we have been having about Bauby's emotional state. As we're discussing, think about your perception of people that are living with paralyzing conditions. Think about how people living with conditions other than locked in syndrome feel. Emotionally? Physically? Think about how those conditions relate to Bauby and locked-in syndrome. Also think about how they differentiate, if they do at all.
Activity: Go online and research 3 types of paralyzing conditions other than locked-in syndrome. After you've researched, respond to the following:
1) Which out of the conditions do you consider to be the worst? Briefly explain why.
2) If you had to live with one of these conditions, which one would it be? Explain why.
3)How do you think the emotional state of a person living with each of these conditions is? How does this relate or differ to Bauby?
4) Discuss your responses in class.
Final Reflection: Turn to the bottom of page 24 in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly". We are going to read an excerpt from that page. After reading, write a 1-paragraph response describing how you think Bauby felt throughout those moments. Describe the emotion(s) that occurred during those moments. If you find there to be more than one emotion, compare and contrast those emotions. Do these emotions change your original perception of people living with paralyzing conditions? Why or why not? If we have time, we will discuss with the class.
Wow, Melanie. You made me think hard with your questions, and the final reflection ties it all up into a neat bundle. That passage is riveting. Is my job safe? Will I be working for you some day? One suggestion I have though is to revise the Aim so that it says, "How do we evaluate ... mind state based ON on his writing?"