Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28th, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

Habits, whether they are good or bad,  are definitely things that are hard for people to break away from. One of my bad habits is smoking cigarettes. I have been smoking for 8 years now. This is a habit that I plan to stop very soon. One of my good habits is that I love to clean and end up doing it anywhere that I am. I think this will take me very far in my life.

Habit, to me, is a pattern that our brains took up and made naturally automatic for us.

There are both good and bad parts about habits. A good thing about a habit is that having one can give you a sense of stability depending on what the habit is. For example, one of my good habits is cleaning anywhere in which I am that is messy. This is will continue to benefit me positively because I will always have a clean house or be in a clean environment. One bad thing about a habit is that some will benefit you negatively. For example, some of my bad habits are smoking cigarettes and biting my nails. Smoking cigarettes can in the long run lead to death or a plethora of health issues and biting my nails will eventually lead to me not having any or prevent my nails from never growing back again. Habits can be really productive in life depending on how you use the. Most good habits, or habits that will benefit you positively, can help you do many good things in life. Bad habits may not benefit you in the best ways, but may also be helpful in certain situations.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Evaluating Emotions

Aim: How do we evaluate Jean- Dominique Bauby's emotional mind state based off of his writing?

Quick Write: Imagine if you were diagnosed with a paralyzing condition that resulted in you not being able to communicate with anyone (it doesn't have to be locked in syndrome). What would your emotional state be like? Would you feel like giving up or would you persevere?  What would you want to say to the people around you---family? Friends? Doctors? etc.

Today, we will simply continue the ongoing conversation that we have been having about Bauby's emotional state. As we're discussing, think about your perception of people that are living with paralyzing conditions. Think about how people living with conditions other than locked in syndrome feel. Emotionally? Physically? Think about how those conditions relate to Bauby and locked-in syndrome. Also think about how they differentiate, if they do at all.  

Activity: Go online and research 3 types of paralyzing conditions other than locked-in syndrome. After you've researched, respond to the following:

1) Which out of the conditions do you consider to be the worst? Briefly explain why.

2) If you had to live with one of these conditions, which one would it be? Explain why.

3)How do you think the emotional state of a person living with each of these conditions is? How does this relate or differ to Bauby?

4) Discuss your responses in class.

Final Reflection: Turn to the bottom of page 24 in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly". We are going to read an excerpt from that page. After reading, write a 1-paragraph response describing how you think Bauby felt throughout those moments. Describe the emotion(s) that occurred during those moments. If you find there to be more than one emotion, compare and contrast those emotions. Do these emotions change your original perception of people living with paralyzing conditions? Why or why not? If we have time, we will discuss with the class.   

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 23rd, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

To me, imagination is your sense of creativity. Imagination is the word that can be used to describe all of the things that makes no logical sense in reality but perfect sense in your mind. Imagination is the way that we can escape our problems, feelings, thoughts, work, school, family, friends, etc. One's imagination can take them very far. You can imagine the things that you want or the things that you have wanted in the past. You can dream of something and your imagination can make it become a reality for you. Your imagination, to me, is your sanity. One's purpose in life is what their goal is. Whatever you dream to become is what you spend your life working towards. Without your imagination, that dream won't be present and your life would be obsolete. Memory, similar to your imagination, is also important. If you can't remember the things or places that your imagination took you, then your life is nonetheless meaningless.Your imagination is a critical thing, that deserves to never be wasted or taken for granted. Cherish your imagination and you may see a positive change in your life.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quick Write- April 9th, 2014

Do I believe that animals have souls? I would say that I have never thought about that before. Now that I have to think about it, I would say that I do think that animals have souls. The same way that animals can communicate with other animals like humans do with humans, I believe that animals have souls the way humans have souls. I think that we as humans just don't understand an animals' souls the way we do.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 3rd, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

There are a plethora of things that make life worth living for me. My family, my life, God, and myself (Not in any particular order). Without these people I would have nothing to live for.

3 Observations:
-A man who lost his life.
-A man who just began his life.
-A mixture of emotions

2 Questions:
-How does this man feel about the technology that helps him communicate his thoughts to others?
-What (besides what the technology displays) does this man think about when the different nurses, doctors, family etc. move him around?

1 Feeling:

1. How did Bauby write his book if he was paralyzed (especially with the use of only one eye)?
2. What do you think was Bayby's motivation to continue to stay alive and write his memoir as opposed to committing suicide or giving up on his life?
3. Although some may think that this is obvious, do you think Bauby is in a current state of depression? Explain why or why not.

I think what makes life worth living is knowing that someone out there can live their life the way that you can. Knowing that someone out there has it worse than you. Knowing that someone wishes to have a chance at life the way that you do is moving to me.

March 24th, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

So far, I have collected a good amount of supporting details for my claim in my argumentative essay. I support the establishment of selective schools for "smart kids". I have found university research studies conducted by professors, quotes and statistics on "smart kids" in selective schools averages. I also have some opinions from local critics and other teachers from other schools. On top of all of that, I will input my own personal opinion and prior knowledge to assist in supporting my claim.

March 20th, 2014 Quick Write and Classwork

I believe that selective schools for "smart kids" is a very important topic to talk about. I don't think it is often brought up in society. Many, and I too fall victim to this, have not really put too much thought into whether or not selective schools are bias. Sure, I believe that if the subject is brought up then people will give their opinion on it or take the time to become more aware of the issue, but if not brought up, then I believe that people, such as myself, will continue to walk around ignoring it because they feel that that's just a natural part of society.